
/Tag: schizophrenia

Yonder Grey

The Franciscan By Yonder Grey When you are confirmed Catholic, the roles for you change in life. Even if you throw a fit about the Catholic church, faith in the church becomes a game of bones or hoping the pregnancy test comes back negative. At 15, confirmation classes bombarded me with all the liturgy, all [...]

Sean Rodgers

Family members are often told that the refusal to take psychiatric medication is an irrational reaction driven by their loved one’s mental health symptoms. The term anosognosia, a mystifyingly long and obscure bit of medical verbiage, is often employed. Anosognosia is a word used to describe a lack of insight. Insight is the understanding that [...]


I was told very often from family and I would say friends but I have no illness causes me to be isolated and lonely. Nevertheless, I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia & bipolar disorder, yet I was still unconvinced of what I was enduring until I saw others with similarities and I had the [...]

Theo Karantsalis

Show me a psychotic child and I will write you a tragedy. "Your boy is sick," the fire chief said. "And very dangerous." No one had ever laughed when shown photos of burned bodies. Teachers, however, praised the unkempt loner who rode a skateboard, wore tie-dyed jeans, and excelled in mathematics, philosophy, and foreign languages. [...]


*Trigger Warning: Suicide* I was admitted to the psychiatric hospital for the first time when I was 20 years old. It came after a long period of severe anorexia and malnutrition, progressive dysfunctionality and decline in my physical and mental health. What I didn't know back then, I'm 30 now, was that it's not because [...]

Zsakir Clark

It all started when I was about 16 or 17. I was doing drugs which led to a chemical imbalance. I woke up one day feeling off, paranoid. I went to my friends house and everything was off. I didn't trust them but I stayed. We went to the movies and the paranoia was so [...]

David W. Wilson

*Trigger Warning - Suicide*   I am 70 years old. My story won't end stigmatization. It was around in the earlier years of my life and it is still around. It doesn't bother me much 'cause I don't wear a flag'. "Crazy" is not 'who' I am. Schizophrenia is my diagnosis. In Canada, the disorder [...]

Sean Rodgers

I’ve read that 70-90% of people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia are totally unemployed or completely disabled. I received this diagnosis when I was 20. And today I decided to shut down the home based business I have been running for the last 10 months, mostly because of the toll it was taking on my [...]

The Schizophrenia Collective: My Friends are Schizophrenic and I Love Them

by Sarah Fader Dear Stigma Fighters Community, I do not have schizophrenia. My best friend and business partner does. We are here to support you, whatever your mental illness is or if you have a loved one with mental illness. Thank you for reading. Thank you for sharing your stories. And during schizophrenia week remember [...]