Hey, my name’s Josh. I go by the name of Smiiffy.  I’m a twenty year old musician from Birmingham in the UK. I aim to stop the stigma on mental health and in order to do this, I speak about my own mental health issues.

For around 4 years I’ve suffered with severe anxiety and depression.  Performing for me is breaking my own barriers but I enjoy doing it! My music has managed to reach 70,000+ views in under a year. I speak about my own suicide attempts. In February, on my brother’s birthday, in the early hours of the morning I decided I couldn’t take anymore. I tried to take my life by attempting to jump off of a bridge. In doing so, a stranger stopped me and spoke to me essentially saving my life for the better. From this day forth, I opened my eyes to devoting time for other people who suffer.

I’m currently working with Kaleidoscope PG, Papyrus & Respect Yourself. They are three incredible charities dedicated to mental health. Recently I’ve had a lot of media publicity. I use this for benefit of mental health to try and reach people and let others know I understand even the smallest bit of their situation.

My dream is to make it as a big musician so I can give more time and money to charity. If I don’t succeed, I’d still love to do music in schools with children and make children aware of mental health. That way they can have a better understanding of it, and use that knowledge in their future. I’m currently under-going ASIST training. This is a program to learn about those who are suicidal. Although I’ve gone through it and lost friends to suicide, I feel there is still so much more I can learn about suicide awareness.

I love to fight the stigma and win this battle, not just for others but also for myself. I find inspiration in the smallest of things, such as my surroundings. I have found so much appreciation from the public, which makes me want to do more. Together we can make a change.


10473369_10152133975826962_2146567131511836988_n1Smiiffy is a 20 year old rapper who is passionate about putting an end to suicide rates. Smiiffy raps his own personal experiences and puts them into a song in hope he can help others in a positive manor. iTunes top 40 artist Smiiffy devotes everything to others in need and his own supporters who have been incredible. Josh, is currently working with many charities mainly mental health as it affects so many people. Not every disability is visible. Over a staggering 17,000 people have heard of Smiiffy and have given him many opportunities by becoming a supporter.

Smiiffy can be found on his blog, Facebook and Twitter

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