Stigma Fighters: Tony Spagnoli – Part 2

February 14, 2013 I finally got home after a 15 hour day managing several restaurants. It was around 10pm. I fed my cats, ate something and got showered. I watched the news for a few and then got into bed and turned out the light. I guess it was 10 minutes and I had this [...]

Stigma Fighters : Natasha West

Talk About It. Your Story Could Change A Life.   Stamp Out Stigma first launched in 2013 by ValueOptions in response to the December 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy. The country was experiencing a national crisis around mental illness in which stigma was playing a large part. The initial intention of Stamp Out Stigma was [...]

By |2015-02-19T16:45:17-08:00February 20th, 2015|Categories: Brave People, Stigma Fighters|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Stigma Fighters : Jason Weiland

Realistic and Positive: My Recent Life Journey What if I told you that no matter how bad your mental illness is, you can still be successful? Would you believe me? If you believe in something I like to call “realistic positivism,” you can do anything you set your mind to do. First though, you have [...]

Stigma Fighters: Aleccia Lin Shaffer

Just Another Day: A Look At Life Inside By: Aleccia Lin Shaffer Everything can be summarized with a proper song. Everything. In my living room this morning, earbuds in, dancing like it was the 80's (and no one was looking) to my "Chill Out" song, I realized exactly what I wanted to tell my fellow [...]

By |2015-02-24T19:13:46-08:00February 19th, 2015|Categories: Brave People, Phobia|0 Comments

Stigma Fighters : Samantha J Wright

Perfect We were the family with the white picket fence around our house and the smell of baking permanently wafting from the kitchen. In our drive way were three newish cars always polished even though there only two of us to drive them. Our house had more bedrooms than we needed, our wardrobes more clothes [...]

Stigma Fighter: Celine Koropchak

I read these stories about suffering and pain and my heart goes out to the authors for the struggles they have had. But I also am impressed by the courage each and every one has shown to make their story public. I want to say thank you to them for reaching out and touching others [...]

By |2015-02-18T17:16:24-08:00February 18th, 2015|Categories: Brave People, Stigma Fighters|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Stigma Fighters : Steven M. Cross

Imagine my surprise when one nice afternoon after I had gotten home from my job as a teacher, a job I might add that I have held for over 30 years,, I heard a knock on my door and looked out to see a policeman on my porch. Of course all kinds of thoughts flooded [...]

Stigma Fighters: Nathaniel Mann

My Journey Though I struggled with depression for much of my adolescence, my mental illness journey began not with me, but with my sister. She was battling bipolar disorder when the only things that I was concerned about were Pop Warner football and video games. In the span of two years during high school, she [...]