Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand reality.
Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices that others do not, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and a lack of motivation. People with schizophrenia often have additional mental health problems such as anxiety, depressive, or substance-use disorders. Individuals with schizophrenia may experience hearing voices, delusions, hallucinations and disorganized thinking and speech. The last may range from loss of train of thought, to sentences only loosely connected in meaning, to speech that is not understandable known as word salad. Social withdrawal and loss of motivation and judgment are all common in schizophrenia. While schizophrenia can affect anyone, it is somewhat more common in those persons who are genetically predisposed to the disease. The first psychotic episode generally occurs in late adolescence or early adulthood. About half of those with schizophrenia use drugs or alcohol excessively, which can cause stimulant psychosis or alcohol-related psychosis that presents very similarly to schizophrenia. Although it is not generally believed to be the cause, people with schizophrenia use nicotine at much higher rates than the general population.
Hospitalization is often an option in certain cases of schizophrenia, this ensures the safety of the affected person. Depending on the seriousness of the illness, the person may try out day programs, rehab, and even be treated in an outpatient center so that professionals can try out different types of medication if need be. The person may also need help in readjusting to society once his or her symptoms are in a well enough or controlled, support during this time is both important and helpful. As of now there is no known cause for schizophrenia, but it’s likely a number of different things or rather factors play a part in what triggers it. genetics is one example of a possible outcome or maybe just psychological. The risk of schizophrenia in the general population is less than 1% according to the National Institute of Mental Health researchers. There are specialists that continue to research it so that we can be better prepared to cope and live with it as we continue our lives. I personally was diagnosed with schizophrenia at 16 years old, it hasn’t been the easiest thing for me to deal with or talk about in the beginning. I have spoken with therapists about my condition weekly so that I could always be mindful of what I can do to keep a level head, what I do to continue on and block out the voices and negative energy are simple things like listening to music, watch movies or any kind of television for that matter and play video games. There are very few people who know of my condition and it’s not because I’m embarrassed or anything, it’s just I’m not really used to spilling out what I’m going through emotionally as I know people have certain things they deal with and I don’t wanna add my issues on top of theirs. over the course of me being diagnosed I have come to terms with who I am and learned to accept what I have because it doesn’t define me and it sure as hell DOESN’T define anyone else who may have the same mental illness or any other for that matter. I accepted the offer to type this essay as a final nail in the coffin to show that I need to let me be who I am and not show any more restraint because I’m not alone and you aren’t either, as I mentioned above there are support groups that’ll welcome any of us with open arms and no judgement whatsoever.
Remember that you are not alone and although there is no cure, you can rest assure that there are others out there just like you and me that are living peacefully knowing that it’s gonna be ok because each of us has our own individual strength to continue on in our society.

I’m a normal guy and proud believer in fun activities from Philadelphia PA. I’m easy going and tend to help out with certain matters if my knowledge is needed in any capacity. My personal struggles with schizophrenia has been tough but I still strive as my late mother would want.
I enjoyed reading your post. I’m trying to better understand schizophrenia. It is very encouraging to hear you are adjusting and not allowing it to run your life. I hope you continue to thrive and lead a wonderful life.