*Originally published by Inside The Bell Jar
My words are shooting stars with no filter
flying rapidly like demons in the sky,
the ego soars drenched with sorrow.
The air is funny today.
Molecules bouncing around so rapidly-
so many multiplying!
I can see them and the wind pushes me
and I fall some more
even though I’m lying on the ground
under the hot sun and my thoughts are
running towards yesterday and sprinting towards
the future.
My mind is wandering like a lost soul,
song on repeat.
Hours pass and my shirt is soaked with
mixed with hot tears.
I know I am as good as God,
Picasso is in my back pocket,
no one knows who lives behind
these curtains
not even I,
how hard I try,
don’t want to be forgotten.

Sophia Falco studies intensive literature and creative writing specifically for poetry at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her poetry has been published in Inside the Bell Jar, in The Mindful Word, in The Esthetic Apostle, in The Tiny Seed Literary Journal, and forthcoming in The Festival Review. Sophia finds poetry as a great way to fight the stigma against mental illness and to help start bridge the gap between those who have been affected by it and those who have not. She has personally struggled with bipolar disorder in the past. Sophia is also a nature photographer whose work has been published in The Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review, The Esthetic Apostle, and featured on the cover of Tilde: A Literary Journal. In her free time, she is an epic gardener. The tallest sunflower she grew was 16 feet tall.
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