Sad. Comforting hug.

A hand sweeps the mind with gentle flow,
Soft and gentle touch becomes a daydream,
Safe in the deepest corners of happiness,
A mind escapes, but touch brings sadness,
A touch becomes terrifying with warm hands,
No words. No fun little girl games,
Comforting hug. Not.

Sad. Uncomfortable.

Mind games plague a little girls dreams,
Little girl don’t be afraid,
Little girl touch,
Mind games sent from a touch of a swift hand,
Pain overwhelms from a calloused heart,
Pain. Touch. Childish games turn black,
Mind games go away,
Run. No where to go.

Sad. Threat.

Scared of living in a different world unknown,
Random swirls of panic,
Living in fear from the unfamiliar hand,
Pain and blood pool in the basin of a child’s mind,
Run. Run. No where to go.
A room no longer safe,
Fear and hands reaching out. Invasion.

Sad. Little girl alone. No one to help. Sad.

Sarah is a social worker in Ontario, Canada. She loves writing, video games, and puppies.