Stigma Fighters

/Stigma Fighters

Katie Troia

I am 24 years old, and I was diagnosed with Bipolar II when I was 19 after years of struggling with mental health. A little over a year ago was the first time I learned about ECT (electroconvulsive therapy). ECT is a kind of treatment that you only consider as a last resort. I had [...]

By |2017-08-02T14:35:23-07:00August 2nd, 2017|Categories: Stigma Fighters|0 Comments

Ryan Moulton

Many years ago I intended to tell my story for the It Gets Better campaign. In those days, I was a successful business executive despite having never finished high school, having been homeless and struggling at 16 years old. Through a series of fortunate and unfortunate events, I managed to survive, not unscathed, but I [...]

By |2017-07-29T11:31:22-07:00July 29th, 2017|Categories: Stigma Fighters|2 Comments

Andrea Vermillion-Guy

“The greatest expression of rebellion is joy.” -Joss Whedon Getting out of bed this morning is a struggle. Everything feels tender and sore, both physically and emotionally, and part of me tries again to convince the other part of me that it would be so much better to stay under the covers all day. I’ve [...]

By |2017-07-28T10:43:47-07:00July 28th, 2017|Categories: Stigma Fighters|1 Comment

Meghan Shultz

I moved overseas when I was manic. I have Bipolar Disorder. At the end of January 2016 I finished a course of 15 ECT treatments for a severe episode of depression. A couple of weeks after I finished the ECT I started to become very angry and irritable. The mania was setting in. You see, [...]