Stigma Fighter’s Poetry

/Stigma Fighter's Poetry

Katie Parr

What is the form of your thoughts? A poem for my body, this vessel of life. Sacred embodiment, yet struggling still. How to not forget. The shadows and the light. The undulating fields of color and the walls of sound. My restless mind. Or perhaps it was something else? Was it inside or outside? How [...]

Sophia Falco

*Note: These poems are not a series but rather individual poems that stand by themselves*   Pinwheels Purple clouds spin like pinwheels I shoot my crimson arrow droplets burst my soul falls with them still my ego is drenched with sorrow. I shoot my crimson arrow I am high as that child’s kite still my [...]

Cari Jehlik

Anxiety I don’t think I knew I had it I never gave it a second thought I don’t think I realized That anxiety is every “what if I can not?” What if I can’t do it? What if I can’t finish? What if I let out everything of me and nobody likes what I’ve done [...]

By |2018-01-16T07:47:17-08:00January 16th, 2018|Categories: Anxiety, Stigma Fighter's Poetry, Stigma Fighters|0 Comments

Carolyn Rossiter

I would say, the most profound relationship I have had in my life is with the one that made me so familiar with my fingertips and the acid in the throat. The relationship that makes me feel guilty for putting any type of food in my body. The one that draws me in everytime something [...]

By |2017-12-07T10:49:25-08:00December 7th, 2017|Categories: Stigma Fighter's Poetry, Stigma Fighters|0 Comments

Anna Quimpo Maguire

A poem I wrote in the hospital: Happy faces everywhere All these people unaware Why can’t they stay And see that I’m not okay Don’t they see I’m not what I’m put out to be Happy on the outside Sad on the inside Can they see my forced smile To realize does it take them [...]

By |2017-01-09T11:50:15-08:00January 12th, 2017|Categories: Stigma Fighter's Poetry, Stigma Fighters|0 Comments

Amanda Berger

Locked Out Hopping onto the bathroom vanity made of fake marble, that my mother called elegant, I studied my face. The answer to my question had to be hiding somewhere in my features. Why wouldn't other kids play with me? With desperation, I searched my reflection for what made me unacceptable. Two slightly slanted green [...]

By |2017-01-02T11:55:23-08:00January 2nd, 2017|Categories: Depression, Stigma Fighter's Poetry, Stigma Fighters|4 Comments


I Say, I'm Recovered. However is there such a thing. I don't abuse laxitaves, or make myself purge. No longer restricting calories, or missing social events. However is there such a thing as being fully recovered. I do look in the mirror and say wow I'm fat Yes, I avoided the gym and eating healthy [...]

By |2016-12-10T12:26:24-08:00December 12th, 2016|Categories: Stigma Fighter's Poetry, Stigma Fighters|0 Comments

Elizabeth Levine

-HONEY- I couldn’t comprehend how Spring would bring new life when my heart was still buried in last September, decaying under the memories of you. But, Spring has come and gone and Autumn reigns again, bursting forth colorful displays that remind us all that there is beauty in the breakdown and life in letting go. [...]

By |2016-12-05T22:52:05-08:00December 5th, 2016|Categories: Stigma Fighter's Poetry, Stigma Fighters|0 Comments

Jess Landwer

Bipolar has destroyed me. I suffer from a mental illness known as Bipolar disorder. Most people know it as the "happy and sad disorder". Most people know it as one stage you are elated, and the other, you are depressed. Yes, you are right about the "sad" being depression. But the "happy" spectrum, you aren't [...]

By |2016-11-28T09:40:27-08:00November 28th, 2016|Categories: Bipolar, Stigma Fighter's Poetry, Stigma Fighters|0 Comments