Stigma Fighters : Matthew Eaton

Is admitting being a victim of child sexual abuse courageous? There are times I doubt this power as I look at myself in the mirror. I am still remarkably human. The hair fades in color and quantity. The waist still expands as if my stomach had a mind of its own. I still have flaws, [...]

Stigma Fighters : Nabilah Safa

The world was spinning again. It was as though I could hear everything and nothing all at once. A constant buzzing of sound. A voice that I didn’t recognize was trying to explain something, but what was that voice trying to say? It was important, very important. Why didn’t they understand? Why was she looking [...]

Stigma Fighters : Alana Romain

This Is What Depression Looks Like Earlier this year, I came off of my antidepressant medication. It was a poorly thought out decision, (I have a pretty difficult history with depression and mental illness), and I did it cold turkey, even though I knew better. Still, I thought I’d be okay. I wasn’t okay. The [...]

Stigma Fighters: Stephanie March

Relaxation Became A Foreign Word By Stephanie March I was just a little kid when the term PTSD entered my life. Back then it was something said in hushed tones between my counselor and parents. They talked about me like I wasn’t in the room and about PTSD in terms I couldn’t understand and didn’t [...]

By |2015-09-27T09:29:40-07:00September 27th, 2015|Categories: Stigma Fighters|1 Comment

Stigma Fighters : Jonathan Harnisch

The Delusional Thinking Process: To the Victor Go the Spoils   In the old days of war, the winning army pretty much got to loot the countryside and take what they wanted—wealth, crops, women, whatever. These would be the spoils of victory. In a relatively civilized setting, we tend to use this term symbolically or [...]

By |2015-09-22T08:46:43-07:00September 27th, 2015|Categories: Brave People, Mood|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Stigma Fighters : Peter M. Olsen

A trigger warning to those whose lives have been touched by suicide. This is a very raw, honest account of my suicide attempt in mid-2012. These are thoughts and feelings I had in the moments leading up to my suicide attempt. This in no way, shape, or form represents my current state of mind today. [...]

Stigma Fighters : Shawna Ayoub Ainslie

Anxious All Over I’m anxious all over. You can’t know me without seeing it. You don’t really need to know me to see it. I am told frequently to calm down. Strangers reassure me that “everything is okay.” And I know they mean well, but it hurts sometimes. I’ve been guilty of this myself—looking at [...]

Stigma Fighters : Gina L. Ciaccia

To The Journey: My Road to Understanding Mental Illness Despite many people perceiving bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses as a struggle or hardship, over time, I have come to embrace the life lessons that they can teach. I would briefly like to elucidate and describe these lessons. I have truly been touched by a [...]

Stigma Fighters : Smiiffy

Hey, my name's Josh. I go by the name of Smiiffy.  I'm a twenty year old musician from Birmingham in the UK. I aim to stop the stigma on mental health and in order to do this, I speak about my own mental health issues. For around 4 years I've suffered with severe anxiety and [...]

Stigma Fighters : Dan Evans

As many of you surely know, being visitors of this webpage, fighting the stigma of mental illness is the top priority of both Stigma Fighters, and of a little video I directed and produced on YouTube titled “It’s Real”. The founder of Stigma Fighters, Sarah Fader, approached me on writing a piece for you guys on [...]