

Stigma Fighters : Natalie Harris

I am honoured to have been recently asked by the international, non-profit organization Stigma Fighters to share my mental health story with them and their followers. The only requirement being that it be told in 1000 words or less…gulp…I’m always up for a challenge! I hope that by sharing my story with fellow mental illness [...]

Stigma Fighters: Jonathan Harnisch

Writing Therapy: An Example of How Easy Does it by Jonathan Harnisch Let's get the facts straight up front to avoid any confusion later. I am a person first, a human being, just like anyone else. Maybe a little different, that's all. Years ago, I publicly disclosed my diagnoses with comorbid schizoaffective disorder, post-traumatic stress [...]

By |2015-05-11T17:41:53-07:00February 11th, 2015|Categories: Brave People, Nightmares, Schizoaffective|Tags: |2 Comments