

Stigma Fighters: Joseph McBride

Tennessee Williams said a writer should never be embarrassed. That great playwright’s nakedly honest writing is filled with painful truths about human nature, drawn from his own experiences, observations, and relentless self-scrutiny. I took his words as inspiration during the many difficult times in writing my recently published memoir The Broken Places. Once I made [...]

By |2016-06-28T11:27:03-07:00June 28th, 2016|Categories: Addiction, Stigma Fighters|0 Comments

Stigma Fighters: Rose Lockinger

I struggled with an all or nothing mentality for a long time starting in my teens. I was either obsessed with something or had no interest in it whatsoever. I was was either happy or sad. I had no middle ground. The line that separated these ideas was thin leaving little room for the gray [...]

By |2016-06-23T08:33:33-07:00June 24th, 2016|Categories: Addiction, PTSD, Stigma Fighters|0 Comments

Stigma Fighters: Amanda Hughes

Fighting the Deluge I have told my story more times than I care to count. It is a staple of rehab: you start at childhood and narrate through your addiction. You tell the sordid story of your suffering until you reach the heartwarming conclusion where everyone hears what you learned and how you are all [...]

By |2016-06-19T07:20:55-07:00June 19th, 2016|Categories: Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Stigma Fighters|0 Comments

Stigma Fighters: Sean Paul Mahoney

“Be proud of who you are” they say. “Be proud of being a gay man,” they say. From outward appearances, LGBT look like a group who don’t really care what people think. Thousands of them will walk down crowded boulevards this month during Pride parades wearing assless chaps, glitter high heels or spandex costumes. Obviously, [...]

By |2016-06-08T06:23:09-07:00June 10th, 2016|Categories: Addiction, Alcoholism, Stigma Fighters|6 Comments

Stigma Fighters: Rose Lockinger

My Struggle With Bulimia And Addiction For many people, addiction isn’t their only struggle. It’s estimated that nearly half of all persons afflicted with addiction also suffer from a co-occurring disorder. This may be depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD or an eating disorder. Body dysmorphia and eating disorders can begin at any time, and for me [...]

By |2016-05-12T11:22:28-07:00May 10th, 2016|Categories: Addiction, Eating, Stigma Fighters, Weight|Tags: , |2 Comments

Stigma Fighters: Erin Khar

Free The first time I thought about killing myself, I was seven or eight years old. My parents had recently separated. With their separation, the thin film that had kept me from falling into a dark hole wore through. In fact, I had reoccurring dreams about it, about a hole, in our front yard, sucking [...]

By |2016-04-11T08:06:59-07:00April 9th, 2016|Categories: Addiction, Suicide|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments