mental illness

/Tag: mental illness

Stigma Fighters : Anonymous

THE POST I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE There's a subject that's been mulling around in my head for some time now. It's not an easy one to write about by any means. It's a touchy subject, a private subject, and it's important. My marriage. I haven't written it because I never know how to [...]

Stigma Fighters : Nicole Sparkman

Growing up in a small town that sits in a small county (7000 souls total…or I assume souls-some of the people are iffy) I kept quiet for a long time about my struggle with depression. I didn’t want to be judged or stigmatized because I have something no one can see. Now, at 37, I [...]

Stigma Fighters : Theresa Larsen

Living with Mental Illness is like Playing Tennis with a Flat Ball By: Theresa Larsen, author of “Cutting the Soul” Imagine going onto a tennis court on a sunny day to play a game of tennis. You grab your racquet, stretch your arms, and pick up a ball. As you throw the ball in the [...]

Stigma Fighters: Scott Schneider

I developed harming obsessions when I was 10 years old. The year was 1984 and virtually nothing was publicly known or discussed about the phenomena that today we know to be obsessive compulsive disorder. I was a grubby farm kid walking barefoot through pastures dotted with piles of cow manure and playing with the new batches [...]

By |2015-03-28T09:05:08-07:00March 27th, 2015|Categories: Brave People, OCD|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Stigma Fighters : Blue Light Blue

My dad was slowly changing before my eyes. He turned inward, he became quieter, more detached. he stopped asking me questions and stopped listening when I told him about my day. Instead of playing with me on the weekends he would take naps. He stopped smiling and the light went out of his eyes. I [...]

Stigma Fighters : Stephanie Yuhas

“The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.” ― Peggy O'Mara We all have those nagging voices in the back of our heads. "The sink splashed me at work and I look like I peed myself! Now I'll never get a promotion." "Get in shape! Preferably one that isn't round and covered [...]

Stigma Fighters : Emily J.

We all know how people talk when there’s news of a suicide; “He was so successful and funny. He must not have known how many people loved him.” Sometimes you’ll hear the less sympathetic words like “cowardly” or oversimplified sayings like the popular “suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” Here’s the thing- [...]

Stigma Fighters : Katy Nicole

There is nothing more difficult than living with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder Type II, and then adding to that the “loss” of your child. Yes, I adopted my daughter out. I wrote about the adoption before, and you can read that essay here ( I have been hesitant to reveal who I am for [...]

Stigma Fighters : Alicia Hendley

At nine-years-old, I began throwing up involuntarily and missed over a month of school. Physicians threw test after test at me to make sure I was medically okay, while a psychologist tossed peculiar questions in my direction and had me play with babyish toys. Such rigorous investigations led experts to conclude that while something was [...]

Stigma Fighters : Lyndsay

I may be in the minority here, but I think living with mental illness is a blessing in disguise. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder (II) in 2008 (I have been diagnosed with bipolar I as well, so who really knows!). Prior to the diagnosis, I battled depression and severe anxiety for years. Since my [...]