Stigma Fighters: Julie A. Fast

Dare to Share! My Bipolar Disorder Mood Swing Success Story By Julie A. Fast I’ve only been introduced to myself over the past few years. Up until then, it was a daily struggle to keep my constant, chronic, overwhelming and downright vicious bipolar disorder under control. From my diagnosis of ultradian rapid cycling bipolar 2 [...]

Stigma Fighters : Shea Wong

Why I do what I do. It’s a Saturday morning, and I’m sitting on a train from London headed to nearly the top of Scotland. I’m giving a talk to pre-med and psychology students at the University of St Andrews regarding mental health stigma and sex/relationships for their weekend of lectures. I look over my [...]

Stigma Fighters: Nicole Markardt

What I’ve Lost Since Losing It by Nicole Markardt I lost it. What ever it is… That thing that keeps us wrapped and raveled. Before it is lost, we are neat and able to be kept; kept neat and kept contained, so they ( the contained and neat) can be kept comfortable. I was comfortable [...]

By |2015-02-28T14:10:27-08:00February 28th, 2015|Categories: Anxiety, Depression|4 Comments

Stigma Fighters: Bif Naked

ENDING STIGMA ESSAY by Bif Naked I moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, to these unceded lands of The Coast Salish Territories, and made my home here in 1991. Vancouver held so much promise, and was rumored to be a great solution for people living in the colder climates of Canada, who may be looking for [...]

By |2015-02-28T06:35:31-08:00February 28th, 2015|Categories: Brave People, PTSD|Tags: |2 Comments

Stigma Fighters : Three More Bites

Three Bites Bigger Perhaps you noticed that I didn’t include my name on this article. That’s because who I am has no bearing on the value I hope to offer with it. This article is for you. If you found your way to Stigma Fighters because you want help and support with depression, anxiety, eating [...]

Stigma Fighters : Melissa Flicks

For a long time I felt guilty. I felt guilty for having ADHD and needing medication to feel somewhat close to “normal”. I went through elementary school and high-school being labeled “lazy” and being accused of “not applying myself”. I even had a teacher sign my yearbook- where he said I was “a nice girl, [...]

Stigma Fighters : Alena Harrington

My mother. My beautiful, sweet mother took her last breath on July 31, 2013. My mother, who had loved me more than anything in this world, absolutely unconditionally. She managed to love me when I wasn't always loveable-thru my surly and difficult teenage years. Thru my highs and lows. She was there for me throughout [...]

Stigma Fighters : Richard Pendleton

My name is Richard and my encounter with mental health is twofold. Firstly, I was the carer for my wife for over twelve years. She has bipolar disorder that only became apparent when we were on honeymoon. At first, it started as obsessive and strange behaviour and odd conversations that seemed destined to go to [...]

Stigma Fighter : Katie Jackson

I grew up in a broken home with an abusive, drug addicted father, and a mother who only held on because she knew nothing else. When she finally found the courage to leave, we were gone for good. I never saw my father past age 6 until I was an adult. Soon after leaving I [...]

Stigma Fighters : Elaine Papciak

When I was 12, I thought a monster lived inside of me. That was the only logical explanation my child's brain could come up with to make sense of the crushing, debilitating pain that ripped through my chest on a constant basis. The pain never ended. It completely consumed me. My every waking moment was [...]