

Stigma Fighters : Troy Williams

Crazy, mental, out of it, slacker, sensitive, I've been called all of them either to my face or behind my back. I'm not allowed to have emotions. If I'm having a down day I'm getting depressed again; if I'm anxious about finances, he's having a panic attack. Even on my good days people talk and [...]

Stigma Fighters : H.M. Jones

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder (most likely Type II, with rare instances of mania) not long after Silver Linings Playbook was released in theaters. In fact, it was in large part due to this theatrical representation of mental illness that I decided to get serious about seeing a psychotherapist. I had, before then, had a dangerous breakdown, [...]

Stigma Fighters : Greg Mercer, MSN

When it comes to mental illness, everyone involved learns there’s a fence called “Us and them.” There are those with mental illnesses, and those without: us and them. You’d think it would be different with mental health professionals, better somehow. In some ways it is, of course: pros know the real scoop about psychiatric diagnoses, [...]

Stigma Fighters : Tony Welch

The Stigma of Depression “It’s all in your head”. Yes, unfortunately it is in my head. And my gastro-intestinal system. And muscles. And my checking account. And the hole that once resided a social life. Manic depression – specifically, and mental health issues in general – takes no prisoners and often solicits little understanding. We [...]

Stigma Fighters : Lauren S

On and off since the age of 10, I've been somewhere in the mental healthcare system. That's almost 18 years of treatment (mostly medication) and a whole host of diagnoses: major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and PTSD. Sometimes, it feels as though my life is made up of a series of waves [...]

Stigma Fighters : Anonymous

THE POST I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE There's a subject that's been mulling around in my head for some time now. It's not an easy one to write about by any means. It's a touchy subject, a private subject, and it's important. My marriage. I haven't written it because I never know how to [...]

Stigma Fighters : Nicole Sparkman

Growing up in a small town that sits in a small county (7000 souls total…or I assume souls-some of the people are iffy) I kept quiet for a long time about my struggle with depression. I didn’t want to be judged or stigmatized because I have something no one can see. Now, at 37, I [...]

Stigma Fighters: A Conversation on Self Harm – With Courtney & Marisa

Recently, the hashtag #cut4zayn went rampant on Twitter. There were graphic images of teens actively involved in self harm. The imagery was alarming and triggering to many of us mental health activists. Marisa, the content manager for Stigma Fighters Canada and writer at Mad Girl's Lament  reached out to me with an idea. As someone who struggled with self harm for [...]

By |2015-03-28T11:12:04-07:00March 28th, 2015|Categories: Suicide|Tags: |1 Comment

Stigma Fighters : Theresa Larsen

Living with Mental Illness is like Playing Tennis with a Flat Ball By: Theresa Larsen, author of “Cutting the Soul” Imagine going onto a tennis court on a sunny day to play a game of tennis. You grab your racquet, stretch your arms, and pick up a ball. As you throw the ball in the [...]

Stigma Fighters: From The Stigma Fighters Executive Boardroom

Yesterday was a particularly intense day for Stigma Fighters and mental activists throughout the world. #Cut4Zayn trended on Twitter after Zayn Malik left the band One Direction. Teens posts graphic images of self harm in response to Malik's absence from the band. The images were explicit and painful. Stigma Fighters responded to the global event [...]

By |2015-03-27T06:48:36-07:00March 26th, 2015|Categories: Anxiety, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Stigma Fighters, Suicide|Tags: |0 Comments