

Stigma Fighters : Lizzi Rogers

Every Paige Counts There’s a book coming out soon, which Mandi Castle wrote, and I think you should read. I’m delighted to be here today to recommend it to you. It’s called ‘Dear Stephanie’ and it’s the story of a woman (Paige) who lives a life in extremely rich and sumptuous circumstances. Like literally – [...]

Stigma Fighters : Heidi DiTonno

Facing Life - Heidi DiTonno I don't consider myself mentally ill, although my diagnoses would disagree with me. They are stigmas for my way of having to cope with situations that I somehow had to find a way to survive. And they worked for me, here I am! Burned and severely facially disfigured at 9 [...]

Stigma Fighters : Bipolar Whispers

I am a Tightrope Walker. To define Tightrope walking the dictionary tells me it is the art of walking along a thin wire or rope. Today I realized that I am exactly that. I balance on a very fine tightrope. I am a tightrope walker, in every sense of the word – except the true [...]

Stimga Fighters : Neil Moon

I was first asked to write for Stigma Fighters a few months ago, and to be quite honest with you I found the thought at the time, daunting. I reviewed the website and saw quite a eclectic mix of stories from individuals and mental health professionals. I honestly thought how could my story and writing [...]

Stigma Fighters : Sierra Garcia

When I was a little girl I was constantly alone. My real dad, who I have learned is most like me, left when I was two years old. My mom married when I was 4 to a man that I still don't get along with, which I think says something about how my childhood went. [...]

Stigma Fighters : Lindsay Fischer

I don’t see myself as a person with a mental disorder. I don’t buy into thrown-around labels and insults. Deep within my core, I believe we all have differences: Maybe your trauma was a car accident that threw your Civic off the highway, and every time you drive that stretch your knees buckle, reminding you [...]

Stigma Fighter : Kate Byrne

Baby Steps I have a full time job. I work forty plus hours a week. Four ten hour shifts on any combination of days, but at least two off in a row. I have benefits. I work with some good people. I work doing a good thing that helps people. But the two days I [...]

Stigma Fighters : Amanda Velivlis

PPD and PPA. Two seemingly harmless 3 letter acronyms that are mentioned quickly in a one page article in the back of the most read pregnancy book on the market. Two acronyms that my (otherwise wonderful) OB doctor failed to mention to me at all during my 18 combined months of pregnancy. But Postpartum Depression [...]

Stigma Fighters : Kate Byrne

When one finds out that a friend has cancer one’s heart breaks. There may not be a cure for the cancer as yet, but damned if people aren’t trying. Everybody has lives that have been touched by cancer - whether family or friend. Heck, for me every Holy Week reminds me of a close family [...]

Stigma Fighters : Matthew Perkins

Etymology and Shoes. Sabotage: deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage. The word sabotage derives from the French for wooden shoe. Its original derivative is from the word sabotor, which means to work carelessly. In the 15th century Dutch workers were so afraid that machines would replace humans in the [...]