


Once upon a time, there was a woman who recognized a need for a centralized place where people affected by mental illnesses could come together and tell their stories. That woman's name is Sarah Fader, and her international non-profit organization is called Stigma Fighters. A grand community was built from such an idea that encouraged [...]

Stigma Fighters : Jessica Roskosh

No-No’s Things NOT to say to someone who is Bipolar There is a list of things that you should NOT say to someone who is Bipolar. There are so many that to name them all would turn this book into a series. There are some that should be no brainers and considering all the people [...]

Stigma Fighters : James Carey

In a world without stigma, the last four years of my family’s lives would have been very different. In late 2011 we had lost our family business which was tough but we quickly began the process of rebuilding our lives, my wife Jm found employment whilst I worked from home. Jm was previously diagnosed with [...]

Stigma Fighters : H.M. Jones

I sit clenching my hands, turning my ring around and around my finger, pulling it off, putting it back on. It’s a small habit that I’ve picked up. It’s a nervous tendency people don’t seem to notice. I always look calm and capable on the outside, and people generally don’t see that I’m not. I [...]

By |2015-08-15T14:32:25-07:00August 18th, 2015|Categories: Brave People, Mood, Stigma Fighters|0 Comments

Stigma Fighters : Jillian Anderson

I was sitting in my favorite professor's class (abnormal psychology) ready to learn all about various mental illnesses. My professor spoke loudly when she said, "Now don't be surprised if you read a chapter and feel as if you have that mental illness the next day. The mind is a powerful thing." We chuckled and [...]

Stigma Fighters : Stephanie Escamilla

He needs a father figure! You're a bad mother! He needs more discipline! Are a few phrases that became a huge part of my life in 2009. At that time, I was recently divorced and a single mother with two handsome boys. My youngest was 3 years old and my oldest was 10; when our [...]

Stigma Fighters : Natalie Harris

I am honoured to have been recently asked by the international, non-profit organization Stigma Fighters to share my mental health story with them and their followers. The only requirement being that it be told in 1000 words or less…gulp…I’m always up for a challenge! I hope that by sharing my story with fellow mental illness [...]

Stigma Fighters : Lindsay Holmes

A handful of pills, alcohol, and a full bathtub. That's all I need. I had the perfect plan to finally give me peace. I climbed in to relax, tossed my pills in my mouth, drank and relaxed waiting for bliss to take hold, that moment when oblivion would release me from my nightmares. I've always [...]

Stigma Fighters : Dave Wise

Recovery by Walking with a Pug and a Friend in the Rain... About a month back, I went for a walk around the outside of the Missouri Botanical Gardens. It was an overcast morning, and I was feeling somewhat depressed and anxious about my personal life and career life. I called my friend C. He [...]

Stigma Fighters : Laurel Roth Patton

Superwoman Has Left the Building “Why am I the one always left to do the cleanup? It wasn’t me who made this mess!” I view the aftermath of a hypomanic episode with horror and disgust. “Um, actually, it was you . . . .” Oh. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde merge back into one fucked-up [...]